Buna dimineata draga cititorule!In final putem spune cu bucurie "buna dimineata" caci a venit primavara, si odata cu ea au renascut si toate planurile, ideile si visele noastre!
Stiu ca nu am mai postat de ceva vreme, lucram de zor la magazinul virtual pe care abia asteptam sa-l deschidem, dar nici nu vrem sa pierdem legatura cu tine.Chiar daca timid, stim ca va veni si ziua in care ne vei scrie un mail, sau vei lasa un comentariu in care sa ne spui cine esti tu, ce faci, ce vise ai si ce sperante.
Pana atunci, noi o sa ne facem treaba cumintei, o sa te ajutam cu sfaturi pentru alegerea cadourilor, sau pentru a-ti crea singur mici opere de arta pe care sa le daruiesti celor dragi tie.
Si odata cu venirea primaverii, iata si primul lucru pe care il facem: o sa scriem pe blog si in limba engleza, si in limba romana.Am luat aceasta hotarare din dorinta de a ne extinde "orizonturile", si in acelasi timp din dorinta de a face cunoscuta tuturor filozofia noastra asupra cadourilor si asupra artistilor handmade din Romania.
Revenim in curand, si asteptam vesti si de la tine!
Have fun and stay crafty!
Echipa AS Cadouri
Hello dear reader!We can finally say "good morning" joyfully , because spring is here, and once with it our plans, dreams and ideas are reborn.
I know we haven't posted in a while, we are fervently working at the virtual store that we are eager to open, but we also don't want to loose the connection with you.
Even if shyly, we know that the day will come when you will write us a mail, or when you will leave us a comment, in which you will say who you are , what you do, what dreams and what hopes you have.
Until then, we will quietly do our job, we will help you with tips for choosing the gifts you want, or with creating yourself small works of art that you can gift to your loved ones.
And since the spring is finally here, this is the first thing we want to do: we want to write our blog in both Romanian and English.
We took this decision because we want to extend our horizon, and at the same time we want everybody to find out our own way of looking at the gifts, and at the handmade artists in Romania.
We will be back soon, but in the meanwhile we would love to hear from you!
Have fun and stay crafty!
The AS Gifts Team
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